Friday, April 13, 2018

Who Knew?

Or...What to expect here.

I will be sharing my makes, the outfits I put together, the challenges, and the wins of sewing ones own wardrobe. I am not one for small talk so things may run deep on occasion. What comes from the heart touches the heart.

I am quite excited about the first regular feature for us. Thanks to a suggestion by reader Tammie L. Powell we will be having a Perpetual Sew Along. Details coming soon!!!


Like and follow our Facebook page to get updates when a new post happens here at the blog. Thanks Katie for the darling graphic!!!

A few housekeeping notes:

1. The blog is still being tweaked so there may be many update notices until I get things going smoothly. I apologize in advance.
2.  I am currently looking for web hosting that is affordable and meets my needs. I own the domain!
3.  In the meantime, I am looking for someone that does graphics and coding for  Google Blogger.
4.  I want to thank my in crime:  Alana & Donna & De. Much love and never ending giggles to all of you.

*Five things about me*

1.  I love getting to know people. Hence this feature will pop up from time to time.

2.  I prefer bartering to selling and buying.

3. When I do buy I prefer it to be at a thrift store.

4. I have a quirky sense of humor and I am not afraid to use it.

5. It is my heartfelt belief that empowering other women is the single most important thing a woman can do because empowered a woman can do anything.

Help me build our very own virtual village by commenting with 5 (more or less) things about yourself so we can get to know you.


Remember the glorious words of Dr. Seuss:

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

Phyllis aka Queen Sheet


  1. 1. I am quirky.
    2. I am shy yet not afraid to stand out in a crowd as long as I am being true to myself.
    3. I am unearthing THAT girl that I always kept hidden.
    4. I am a work in progress yet want to inspire others.
    5. I am learning to love and accept me like I love and accept others.

    1. Five more ways we are alike. Thank you so very much for sharing, dear friend.

  2. 1. I am a mother, a daughter, a bartender, and artist.

    2. I believe in miracles because my mother taught me faith and my child is giggling at me right now.

    3. I think the best days are any you make something with your own hands.

    4. I would rather be painting right now applies to 95% of my life.

    5. I am so happy you finally did this :)

    1. Alana, thanks for sharing and supporting me from the bottom of your heart.

  3. 1. Yes, quirky here, too, with a side of stubborn.
    2. I feel driven to create and be productive, every single day.
    3. Love being thrifty and also love quality things so there's the adventure in it all, the thrill of the hunt, the challenge to create what I can't find at my rock bottom price.
    4. I love to listen to music (Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Dave Matthews, Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Civil Wars, +) read, preferring books over tablet readers, cook (as long as it doesn't cut into my gardening or sewing), garden, and am weird enough to admit I also actually enjoy cleaning. Go figure. I don't really like exercise but I will partake on a semi-regular basis, just to cover my bases.
    5. After having the mom identity for so many years, I'm enjoying finding out who I truly am at this point in life.

    1. Thank you for sharing parts of yourself, Tammie. Your number 5 is my personal fave!
