When I was trying to decide what to make first STTGLABS had their first Sew Along. Because many of us were new to TG patterns a simple pattern was called for. Zelda it was!
Zelda is considered a slip but can be worn as a tunic, slip, or dress. She is also a free patttern to TG Sewing Club Members.
I have now made three of her and learned something from each one. All are made from sheets and each is a joy to wear!
The pink with ruffles and flowers was my first. The shoulders needed to cut at a slant next time so they will lay better. This one was also a bit big on me.
The green one was made without ruffle because there was not enough fabric for it. I did, however, take advantage of the fact that she could be made longer. I learned that I could really mess up continuous bias binding and that I did not slant the shoulders enough.
The bright pink one is perfect in size and the shoulders. This time I decided to do the bottom with pieced straight pieces of fabric for added length and left the seams out raw on the bottom. I self-drafted facing for the neck and sleeves. I learned that sometimes just letting go and doing it is loads of fun.
This is todays' Zelda slipped between two dresses for a pop of color. (Puns always intended.)
So what's on your sewing table?
Phyllis aka Queen Sheet
The sweetest of things is on my cutting table ... my first sugar slip! The directions more or less warn that I should not make her from mere cotton; however, I need a sage green slip and I happen to have the perfect gauze cotton dress lining that tagged along with me from the Goodwill outlet so I guess you might say I will be trying to disprove a theory. Forthcoming told-you-so's will be accepted with grace.