Friday, December 27, 2019

Life sure has a way of interfering with our plans. I started sewing my wardrobe when there was only one Little that needed me part-time while her Mama worked. I sewed when I could.
Then there was a brand new Little that needed me full-time while her Mama worked. Instead of sewing, I snuggled, cuddled and fed a newborn. My Littles enriched my soul in ways I can't even describe. Two years later, she is in daycare full-time and I am living my best retired life.
This featured outfit consists of a red top and bottom that I drafted a few years back and consequently outgrew. I added black strips to the sides of both pieces. It was quite plain so I raided my scrap bag and added some fun to the hem of the top.
Red fabric is an upcycled sheet. Solid black is too. you, be kind and have fun!


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet