Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy First Birthday, Xaria~

Today we celebrate the miracle that is my youngest grandchild, The dear Lord truly wanted us to have her as both her parents had been told they would never have a baby. I do love how He thinks!

I didn't even know I needed another baby in my life until she happened.

This top is RTW but the pants...the glorious pants...are Cara's. There will be more of these popping up into my wardrobe. I absolutely love them.

Have a glorious day, all!


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Three Sheets To The Wind~

...or What I Wore For Cinco de Mayo.

The more I am wearing my handmade-from-sheets-wardrobe the happier and braver I am becoming. This is so much fun!

My daughter invited me to dinner and a margarita and I really really wanted to wear my white bloomers with the teeny pink roses and some ruffles. My only ruffles also are pink and covered in flowers. What's a girl to do?

I put my solid pink no ruffle Zelda between them and rocked it. I ran into a dear friend from my yarn group who made it a point to tell me how much she loved my ruffles and that made my day.

The amazing thing about this is that the braver and bolder I get the more it inspires me to be braver and bolder. Who knew? I also think it is good for my girls to see me being me...silly, crazy, carefree, happy me. My grands will hear stories of their crazy Monna and just the thought of that makes me giggle.

Note to self:  Make more ruffles! And...get a haircut.

Note to you:  Do something fun today!


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet

Friday, May 4, 2018

As Promised~

...or Bags, A Bracelet, and Bias. Not necessarily in that order.

On a personal note:  One of my 'things' is that I do not like to wear sleeveless tops because my upper arms are flabby.  Today was rather warm and as I was looking for an appropriate top I spied my darling pink flowered ruffled and sleeveless Zelda. Honey, I put her on and out the door I went... flabby arms and all! I want to encourage you, my dear sister, to confront your fears. I am getting to the point where I truly think, "Who gives a sheet?" and then wear what I want.

For all of the crafts I have mastered I can not seem to make bias binding. I tried the old fashioned 'cut strips and sew them to together method" and the newer "continuous binding" method. I have gotten some successful inches but that is about it!

Someone that loves me offered to make me some so I did send her some fabric. Bless you, Twin Sheet! In the meantime I bought some single fold bias tape and searched You Tube for answers. The tape is white and I felt it might be too stark for the tunic I am making so I sewed it to the right side of the fabric and flipped it to the back. I am loving it!

Here is a bracelet that I made years ago and still love. Each earring is a leaf and a tiny ladybug.

Some of the bags I made:

 Feel free to leave me a comment and share what you have made besides clothing and/or what fear you have.


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Creative Paths I Have Taken~

...or...made by me before May 2018.

Over the next few days I will be posting pics of things I have made over the years. I learned to crochet when I was eight and have done crafts most of my life. I learned to sew in Home Ec. in 7th grade.

Sadly, I do not have any pics of the countless cross-stitch pics I have done over the years.

Here are some quilts I have made.

Tomorrow I will share bags and jewelry. I look forward to hearing about the crafts you have done. If you wanna share do so in the comments!

One hole that I have identified in my wardrobe per my pledge to #MMMay18 is blue. I love and need more blues. I do have the blue Plinkas and am now making a variation of my OMST in a turquoise and white plaid. Coming soon!

Hoping you are sew happy.


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Martinis and Mimosas, oh my!

Another lunch date another outfit. ;)

In my search for summer shoes to wear with my outfits I finally settled on a pair of Earth Spirit sandals and I am thinking no.  Oh well. Ya live ya learn. They make great house shoes.

My darling niece came and we went to a delicious lunch at Burntwood Tavern. Shrimp makes me happy and mimosas have never hurt my feelings. Add in the company of one of my favorite folks and it made for one great day!

Shauna loves my new wardrobe and the freedom I am enjoying so she asked to try on my pink Zelda. Why, of course she can! Then the orange Plinkas. And she loved them both! So much for selfish sewing. Who am I to deny the fun of these clothes to anyone let alone one of my favorite people? The fact that she is only 23 and furthering her own version of herself makes me so very happy.

Here is a pic she took before we went to lunch.  It is my self-drafted crop top, linen shift dress, and the orange Plinkas.

I promise I do own other Plinkas but am in the process of making things to match them. I have to put a waistband into both pink plinkas and a pair of white and blue striped ones that have pink flowers all over. Next will be sewing of some blues.

Hope your day was fun and you got to make something!

In the comments tell me what yummy stuff was on your lunch table or what is on your sewing table.

Housekeeping Tidbit:  We have an Instagram account. Queen_Sheet. Find us there!


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Me Made May... something everyday that scares you.

Lately I have been frazzled, overwhelmed, and frustrated. That is not somewhere I enjoy being.

After much soul-searching and talking to my Trusted Two I have realized, once again, that I am not the only person that gets stuck in that funky rut.

Do you ever feel like this? Any of this sound like you?

The creative mind is a glorious thing. It is also trying at times. I feel a compulsion to make things. A need. I see potential every where. I buy more than I will ever use.

Once in a while, I get into the zone and things just flow. Of course those are my favorite times. Sometimes I feel I am trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

I find I would be quite happy to be the shopper, designer, and even the model as long as Alana is my photographer. I would love to have someone else bring my visions to life and to fit them to my shape.

And...some days I write and things flow wonderfully together and sometimes, well, sometimes it is just choppy.

The decision to sew my own wardrobe has been a long time coming. It is exhilarating, frustrating, glorious, and fun. Wearing it is all of those things and more. Scary even.

During the month of May Zoe Edwards of So, Zo...what do you know? hosts a social media event called Me Made May where participants write and pledge their own challenge that will ultimately grow their relationship with their homemade wardrobe. You can read about it here or by clicking the info on the right of this page.

I am in! This will be good for me. It is scary but I am always down to figure out what makes me tick.

Phyllis Williams said...I, Phyllis of Who Gives A Sheet, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '18. I endeavour to determine the holes in my wardrobe, finish my UFO's, and to discuss this challenge and how it affects my life at my blog during the month of May 2018.1 May 2018 at 15:41

What are you doing that is fun or scarey today?


 Phyllis aka Queen Sheet